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How to Create a Microsoft Teams Meeting in the Outlook Webapp

How do you schedule a Teams meeting in the Outlook Webapp? Follow IT support Portland professionals from Fixed Fee IT as they give a tutorial regarding how to create or change a Teams Meeting in the Outlook Webapp!

We recommend watching this video tutorial so you can see How to Create a Microsoft Teams Meeting in the Outlook Webapp in action.
You can also read our written tutorial below.

Video Transcript

Hi there! I’m Christa with Fixed Fee IT, Portland Oregon’s best IT support. Welcome back to our series on How to use Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft Outlook Webapp. Today’s tutorial walks through how to create a Microsoft Teams meeting in the Outlook Webapp.

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To begin, we are going to start by opening our Outlook webapp. If you do not know how to open Outlook in the web app, check out the tutorial video below!

From the Outlook Web app, we are going to open our calendar view by clicking on the calendar icon in the left panel.

Once you are in your calendar view, you can create a new meeting by either double clicking on your chosen day on the calendar itself or by going to the upper left of the screen and clicking new event.

This will open your new event panel.

We are going to create a new Teams meeting with our friend Caitlin. Under the date and time settings, you will see a switch labeled Teams meeting. Selecting this option will let the Outlook Webapp know the meeting you are setting up is taking place in Microsoft Teams.

And there you have it! Now you should be able to create a Microsoft Teams meeting in the Outlook Webapp. Check out our other Microsoft Teams tutorials in our playlist to learn more. If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to our team at Fixed Fee IT. Thanks for watching!

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